Meet the Maker: SIY Expert Shankari Paradee | Sewl Sister

My Creative Journey:

I started sewing as a young girl. I made clothes for my dolls and stuffed animals. My mom always talks about sewing being "in my blood" because both of my parents sew. My first quilt was made around 2015, for my sister. She still loves it to this day.

What Interests Me and Inspires My Projects:

I take inspiration from geometric shapes and solids, mostly. I do like to use patterned fabrics as well and gravitate towards blues and yellows. I love travelling and seeing how patterns show up in the world. I'm also inspired by families’ journeys. I enjoy making memorial quilts for families that have lost loved ones. By taking their clothing and turning it into something beautiful, I'm able to assist families through the grief and healing process. I don't take this gift lightly and I'm grateful for being able to help in this way.

My Favorite Types of Fabric:

I love working with quilting cottons. I'm also a versatile artist in that I can use many other different types of fabric when creating quilts such as silk or jersey or sweatshirt fabric. I also love working with scraps. They are so versatile and allow you to be creative and use the fabrics almost as paints.

Favorite Types of Projects:

I love designing and making quilts from things that I've seen in my daily life or taking inspiration from different artists, paintings, or places I’ve been.  Recently, I went to Quito, Ecuador. It was just so beautiful!

What’s New/Trending That Interests Me Now:

I'm definitely starting to explore color a little bit more. I'm looking at transparency and designing more modern styles for my quilt designs.

Words of Advice for Other Makers Out There:

Enjoy what you make. Use colors that you like because there are so many colors out there. Use your time on the ones that you really feel the emotions with. Color has emotion too.

My Next Project for SIY! 

I have an upcoming SIY project coming up where I'll be featuring Studio E Fabrics All or Nothing by Chelsea DesignWorks. I absolutely love my quilt! One of the things I always tell my students is that if you can sew a straight line you can make anything you want with your sewing machine. It just takes a little bit of maneuvering and a little bit of courage.

Keep an eye out for the project instructions coming to the SIY Blog next week!

Connect with Sewl Sister

Instagram: @hellosewlsister

Facebook: @hellosewlsister
