Simple & Versatile Drawstring Bag
Featuring: Blank Quilting Corp. Rock 'N Bowl by Urban Essence Designs
Pattern Design by: Meredith Daniel
Sewn by: Meredith Daniel
What project could be better suited for bowling fabric than a bag to hold your shoes?! Today we are going to make a simple drawstring bag - perfect for carrying your bowling shoes, ballet shoes, garden tools, sewing tools, you name it! Pick your favorite themed fabric and this bag will carry your special items for any hobby. It’s incredibly versatile and wonderful for gifting, too!

Skills Learned: sewing a lined drawstring bag
Skill Level: Beginner
Finished Size: 13.5”w x 14”h x 4.5” deep (34.29cm x 35.56cm x 11.43cm)
Fabric Requirements:
Two cuts of fabric, about a 1/2 yard (.46m) of each
2187-75 Med. Blue || Rock 'N Bowl
2189-99 Black || Rock 'N Bowl
Additional Recommendations:
Cutting tools
Acrylic ruler
Coordinating thread
Safety pin
Cut from main fabric:
(2) 14x16”
(2) 2x26”
Cut from lining fabric:
(2) 14x18.5”
- 2.5 x 6.5”
(note: if you want a handle that fits your whole hand, lengthen this strap piece. As it is, this is suitable for hanging on a hook.)

Step 1: make hanging loop and drawstrings
Fold your 2.5x6.5” strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together and press. Open and press each raw edge to the center crease. Refold so that your raw edges are completely enclosed, and edgestitch the length of the strap with a 1/8” seam allowance. Repeat this step to make the straps using the 2” x 26” strips.

Set hanging loop and drawstrings aside.
Step 2: Sew the bag
On one main fabric panel at top, pin your hanging loop in place as pictured, about 3/4” from the center on either side:

Keeping the hanging loop pinned, place your lining and main fabrics right sides together and sew along the top edge with a 1/4” seam allowance. Repeat with remaining main and lining pieces.

Press seam up toward lining.
Lay your two bag pieces right sides together. Pin at the folded seam allowance, and again 3/4” away from the first pin on the lining side. Repeat on other side of the bag. See photo below. You will not be stitching between these pins.

Beginning at the bottom of the lining section, we will be sewing around the bag, but we will be leaving three openings. The first and largest will be at the bottom of the lining so that the bag can be turned, and the second and third will be in the areas that we pinned so that we can insert the drawstrings. Now, about 2″ from the edge of the bottom of the lining, begin stitching (and backstitch) using a 1/4″ seam allowance. When you get to the corner, lower your needle, raise your presser foot, and pivot your fabric to the long side and continue stitching until you reach the first pin, then backstitch and cut your thread. Begin stitching again at the second pin, backstitch, and continue around the main section of the bag until you reach the first pin on the other side. Backstitch, cut thread, and begin stitching again after the second pin. Stitch from there until you are about 4-5″ away from where you started, and then backstitch and cut your thread. You will need that several inches at the bottom to properly turn your bag.

Use your ruler to mark 2” squares at all four corners of the seams of the bag.

Cut along these lines.

Open up the bag along one cut corner. Align the seams and pin. Stitch along opening with a 1/4” seam allowance. See photo for guidance. Repeat with remaining three corners to finish boxing the opening.

Turn bag right side out through the opening at the bottom of the lining fabric. Press the seam allowance along the bottom of the lining so that it will be easy to stitch closed. Stitch along opening with a 1/8” seam allowance to close.

Tuck lining into main bag. Your lining should show at the top as pictured below. Press well.

Step 3: Create casing for straps.
Begin sewing 1/8″ away from the seam where the lining and main fabric meet. Sew all the way around. Then sew 1/4” from top, all the way around.

Now attach a safety pin to one end of one of your straps and thread it through one of the holes at the top.

Try to keep it from twisting up as you thread it around the casing, and bring it back out the same hole. Tie a small knot at the end to secure.

Repeat with remaining strap, but from the other opening.

Your bag is now complete and ready to hold your shoes for your next bowling adventure!

To view the complete Blank Quilting Rock 'N Bowl by Urban Essence Designs click here.
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